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Message of Sympathy for a Mother in Law written to her daughter in law

Message of sympathy for a mother in law written to her daughter in law will acknowledge the special bond the two of them had. It will remind the daughter in law of the special times the two of them spent together and the memories she forged through this friendship. Feel free in the message of sympathy for a mother in law to include additional memories that relate to their relationship. This message would be written by an adult friend of the daughter in law.

Message of Sympathy for a Mother in Law written to her daughter in law

Dear Theresa,

I just heard your mother in law passed away. This sad news must affect you deeply. You and your mother in law seemed to be so close, you shared so much with each other and one of you always stepped up to the plate when needed. I hardly can imagine how much you’ll miss her. To me, your friendship with your mother in law was an inspiration. It was clear to me that mutual respect within a family brings peace and harmony into the inner circle. You two were much in tune with each other to be able to create this type of environment to your family.

I remember specifically an evening with the both of you. It will stay in my heart forever the way you shared this family story involving two generations of your family, each of you picking up the story where the other left off. By the time you guys finished, we were laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes. Now we cry because one is no longer among us. The memory of that evening should bring you some solace to your present grieve. I would venture that you have a lot more stories to tell. Even if you don’t have your mother in law to finish your sentences, the retelling will help keep her alive in our memories. Isn’t it so, that seemingly small events become precious in our hearts?

The closer we are to someone, the harder it is to let go. I hope you find peace in the thought that your mother in law is in a good place now.

Please call me soon. I love to get together with you and hear more stories.

I send you my deepest sympathy to you for the loss of your mother in law.


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