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Mesothelioma – Law Firms and Filing Suit for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos dust. Each year in America over 2,000 cases are diagnosed, and although men are more at risk for contracting the disease, it can strike men or women at any age. A higher rate of mesothelioma was first discovered among shipyard workers, those who worked in asbestos production, asbestos miners, and employees of the construction and heating industries. It was subsequently found that the disease was caused by exposure to asbestos dust, and consequently asbestos was deemed a hazardous product and serious occupational hazard. Evidence has surfaced that families of asbestos workers also have an increased risk of developing the malignant cancer due to dust brought home on the clothing of their loved ones. If you or someone you know has developed the disease, you may be entitled to compensation for contracting mesothelioma.

Selecting a Mesothelioma Lawyer

The process of choosing an appropriate lawyer to represent you in your case against mesothelioma can be a complicated and challenging one. Lawyers specialize in different areas, practice in different regions, are held to varying standards by those jurisdictions, and hold different qualifications. It is essential to find one who is experienced in wrongful death cases, and has represented others in mesothelioma cases before. It is also critical to check their background, investigate what their success rate has been etc. Selecting the best lawyer to represent you is the most important step in your claim against mesothelioma, and will have a direct influence on the outcome of your case. Take your time and consider all your options carefully before making your final decision.

Do You Have a Case Against Mesothelioma?

Many people who suffer from mesothelioma are aware that they worked in an industry or job where they were exposed to asbestos, but some are not sure how often they were exposed, or exactly how that exposure occurred. It can be exceedingly difficult to determine how someone may have come into contact with asbestos, as numerous products throughout the ages have contained it. Cigarette filters, insulation, piping, heating systems, hair dryers, vehicle braking systems, boilers, basement and roofing materials, and many other products found in the home have contained the toxic substance. For these reasons, most people who contract mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos dust for a long period of time, and usually many, many years before they are diagnosed.

If you have contracted mesothelioma, you definitely are entitled to claim compensation; however the value of that claim will depend on certain factors. These will include:

  • How many products containing asbestos you have been exposed to
  • Identifying the entity responsible and if it is still in existence (many companies have gone bankrupt)
  • Your age
  • Your earning capacity

There are also specific variables that will determine the speed at which your case progresses, including the region in which you worked and lived or contracted mesothelioma.

Final Thoughts on Mesothelioma Lawyers and Law Firms

Generally speaking, hiring a lawyer is not the first thing one might think of when learning that they have mesothelioma, but speed in filing a case is important. This is because there is a statute of limitations on filing mesothelioma claims. Each state has its own statute, however generally the clock begins ticking at the time of diagnosis. Treating this disease is also quite expensive, so the sooner you are able to file a claim, the quicker you will get the financial support that you’ll need. Lawyers who are experienced in mesothelioma can also direct you to other helpful resources such as support groups or doctors who specialize in treating the disease, but though time is of the essence, selecting an attorney is not a decision to be rushed. Any mesothelioma lawyer worth their salt will not only be an adept an experienced attorney, but a compassionate, thoughtful and supportive ally in your fight against mesothelioma.

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