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Six-Generation Blank Trees and Charts

Six-generation blank trees and charts keep your genealogy research organized in one place. A quick glance shows you the ancestor you need to research, and what data you need to collect. These particular family trees are for 6 generations, which can include yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, your great-great grandparents and your great-great-great grandparents. Download and print your choice of blank trees and charts for free. Then start filling out one of these six-generation blank trees or charts.

Blank Trees and Chart Resources You Might Find Helpful:

  1. How to Complete 6-Generation Blank Trees and Charts? - A step-by-step guide to charting your family history
  2. Free Genealogy Forms Downloads - Everything you need to organize your ancestor search
  3. Genealogy Resources - Genealogy Search Sources that lead you to lost ancestors
  4. Free Ancestry Records - Secrets to finding completely free ancestry records
  5. Meet Ancestors Online - Online Resources for people search and family ancestry search
  6. Blank US Census Forms - Download these free printable blank census forms and record census information about your ancestors.

More Free Printable Blank Family Trees:

To view these PDF Format files, it's recommended that you have Adobe Reader Version 7.0 or higher. Download Adobe Reader free from the Adobe website.
Six-Generation Blank Tree Chart Pedigree
This pedigree blank tree chart is ready for you to fill in 6 generations of ancestor's names, birth, marriage and death dates. This blank tree chart is numbered for easy record keeping.

Six-Generation Partner Blank Tree Chart
Partner blank tree charts are great for non-traditional families. They work well for blended families, unmarried couples or same-sex couples. This 6-generation blank tree chart has large squares for names.

Six-Generation Partner Blank Tree Chart with Oval Crest
This Partner blank tree charts has a large open area for an image or notes about the family. The oval can be used for names of the children or an image of the partners or the family names.

Six-Generation Blank Trees Chart Landscape
This landscape blank tree chart has large areas for recording family history. It's perfect for showing one side or both sides of the family tree in a large easy to read format.

Six-Generation Hourglass Blank Tree Chart
Hourglass blank tree charts are nice for charting both sides of the family on one template. This hourglass blank tree chart has rectangular boxes that really stand out so you can see distinct family lines.

Six-Generation Hourglass Blank Tree Chart with Crown
The royal crown emblem makes this hourglass blank tree chart a great kid's blank tree chart. It's popular with princesses and knights who wish to trace their ancestry as well as other genealogy researchers.

Six-Generation Bowtie Blank Tree Chart
This bowtie blank tree chart holds 6 generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's blank tree chart because it displays both sides of the family history on one chart.

Six-Generation Blank Trees Fan Chart
This fan pedigree tree is beautifully detailed with wide numbered spaces to hold and keep track of plenty of family history. Six generations of ancestors are easily recorded in this blank fan tree chart.

Six-Generation Blank Trees Circular Chart
This circular blank tree chart has large spaces and a unique design for holding six generations of ancestors. Circle charts work best when they are printed out on extra large paper. Take it to a local printer.
