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How To Complete Circular Genealogy Charts?

Entering the information in your circular genealogy chart correctly is of the utmost importance. Once you’ve selected which type of chart you want to use, knowing how to enter the family history will make it a much more pleasant and productive experience. The Circular chart is quite easy to understand, and especially easy to figure out where to begin. There’s only one place you can start, in the middle! Downloading and printing out a Circular Genealogy Chart from our website will enable you to easily follow along with my instructions.

As you look at your circular genealogy chart you’ll notice that, beginning with the centre circle, each succeeding circle encompassing the previous one is divided into twice the amount of sections that its encircled predecessor contains. This will produce a parentage line for both sides of your family tree, mother’s and father’s. The outer sections of the chart are quite small and limited as to the amount of information you can write in, for this reason the Ahnentafel or Eytzinger numbering system is very useful.

Circular Genealogy Charts Resources You Might Find Helpful:

  1. Free Family Tree Templates - Over 20 pages of professionally designed family tree templates to download
  2. Free Genealogy Forms Downloads - Everything you need to organize your ancestor search
  3. Genealogy Resources - Genealogy Search Sources that lead you to lost ancestors
  4. Free Ancestry Records - Secrets to finding completely free ancestry records
  5. Meet Ancestors Online - Online Resources for people search and family ancestry search

CIRCULAR GENEALOGY CHARTS: Free printable circle genealogy charts

This system allows you to list your ancestors in a definite order, using numbers to designate male or female relatives. Though it sounds a bit intimidating, especially if you’re not a "numbers person", it’s actually quite easy to comprehend. The first person in the circle is number 1 whether male or female. The father of the subject will be placed in the space to the left of the centre and numbered 2, the mother to the right and numbered 3. From this point on, any subsequent person’s father will be designated their number doubled, and the mother their number doubled plus one.

So, your father’s father would be numbered 4, your mother’s father 6. Grandma on mother’s side would be 7 – mom’s number (3) doubled + 1. Grandma on dad’s side would be 5 and so on.

The circular chart is a simple precise way to show the lines of parentage in your family history. Notice there is no room for children. This said, the circular genealogy chart makes for a great accompaniment to a broader family tree in that it condenses vital data in an easy viewable format for quick reference. As the writing space in a circular chart is limited, there is no need to write in birthdates, save that for your primary family tree chart or use another form such as a fan or bowtie chart.

The information you need will come in various forms as you know, so ensure that you have an excellent genealogy indexing system, otherwise it could get real messy! Make sure the facts on each person can be easily located and accessed and your family tree building will be much more than a life long chore.