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The Benefits of Planning Your Own Funeral

It might seem a morbid thought at first, but think about it. We all have to die sometime, it’s inevitable. Unless you’ve discovered something I and the rest of the world don’t know about yet, death is certain. So, why not plan now for your funeral and save family members the pain and unpleasantness? And think about the financial benefits. If you pay for your funeral now, you’ll avoid the effects of inflation. The younger you are the better deal you’ll get! There are many other advantages to planning your own funeral as well.

Avoid Confusion and Regrets

There are personal benefits to planning your own funeral other than saving your family the pain. How often have you heard stories of families quarrelling over what kind of funeral to give the deceased? I know of one such instance where the deceased wanted to be cremated, and the family and his closest friends knew it. He had expressed his desire quite clearly to have his ashes spread over a particular area that he was fond of. His wife however couldn’t bring herself to “incinerate him”, as she put it.

This caused a great rift between family members and friends on one side, and those on the other. In the end the wife won out, alienating life long friends and family members, some of whom even boycotted the funeral. The really sad part is, the deceased’s final wishes weren’t honoured. This situation, and a lot of pain and unpleasantness along with it, could have been avoided with some planning.

More Funeral Arrangements Tips and Resources You Might Find Helpful:

  1. Online Funeral Resources - For helping with arrangements, planning and saving money
  2. Funeral Planning Guide and Checklist E-Book (Now Free) - Save thousands of dollars while still paying your deepest respects for the deceased.
  3. The Basics of How to Organize a Funeral - Learn how to get organized easily and quickly
  4. How do I Write a Eulogy - Step-by-step guide to writing a thoughtful and meaningful eulogy
  5. Choosing the Right Funeral Director - Learn how to choose the right funeral director

FUNERAL PLANNING GUIDE: What everyone needs to know about funeral arrangements. This complete guide to saving money on funeral expenses is available for instant PDF download with a bonus funeral planning checklist.

Financial Considerations

Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive to die. Death duties and taxes, possible medical bills and the expenses of the funeral itself can put families under intense financial pressure. A good idea to avoid that happening is to set up a separate savings or trust account. By putting aside a set amount each month and even appointing someone as executor of the monies for when the time comes can be very beneficial.

Choosing your casket can be both financially and emotionally beneficial to you and your family when planning your own funeral. Sometimes guilt or a sense of duty can force family members to purchase a casket that is beyond their means. They want you to have a special final resting place, and to be comfortable. Of course the importance of the casket will vary with cultural and religious beliefs, and accordingly the monies spent on it. But emotionally choosing a casket can be very tough for the bereaved. Picking the coffin really brings home the finality of death, and this can be a bit hard to bear for someone who is already grieving.

Peace of Mind

Whether you want to be buried, cremated, or have your body donated to science is a very personal decision. If you want to be buried, choosing your plot or mausoleum can in fact give you great comfort in facing death. Knowing your resting place will be exactly where you want it can alleviate some of the anxiety caused by the “unknown factor” of death. Planning your own funeral may be hard to digest, but with the right attitude, may even be a bit pleasant.

By planning your own funeral you’ll be saving your family a good deal of heartache and difficult decisions. Losing you will be hard enough on your loved ones without them having to go through several intense days of negotiations and decision making while they’re in such emotional pain. By planning your own funeral you’re affording, not only yourself, but your friends and family some deserved peace of mind.