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Find Ancestors – Recently Available Military Records Help You Find Ancestors

These military records can help you to find ancestors who may have fought in World War I, the Great War of Ireland, the Second Anglo-Boer War, even one who may have served as a Grenadier guard between 1656 and 1874. Many of these indexes include the name, regiment, rank, and in many instances, additional personal data on each soldier. They are all located at Find My Past, and can be a valuable asset to an ancestors search. Let’s take a look at some of these new records and the ways that they can help you to find ancestors.

Find Ancestors Who Were WWI Prisoners of War

Recently digitized and made available online, these records contain valuable genealogical data on more that 100,000 British Army POW’s (Prisoners of War) who were held captive in Germany and its occupied territories during WWI. This index is easy to use, completely updated, and reveals information that can be used to find ancestors such as:

  • Name
  • Rank
  • Regiment
  • Serial Number
  • Camp Number where Held
  • POW Number
  • Camp Type
  • Camp Location
  • Personal Notes

These valuable ancestry records can further assist your ancestors search as they distinguish between the various types of camp used for internment during this historical period. For instance, if your ancestor was an officer, he would be imprisoned at a special camp for officers; some camps were designated solely for civilians. So even if your relative wasn’t in the military, this data can help you to find ancestors who may have been imprisoned as civilians.

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  2. Free Genealogy Forms Downloads - Everything you need to organize your ancestor search
  3. Genealogy Resources - Genealogy Search Sources that lead you to lost ancestors
  4. Free Ancestry Records - Secrets to finding completely free ancestry records
  5. Meet Ancestors Online - Online Resources for people search and family ancestry search

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This register is a matchless collection for family historians. With over 250,000 names and a revised casualty list of nearly 60,000 casualties, it can help you find ancestors who; served in any unit during this war, who received a medal, where they were killed or wounded, whether or not they are included on or in a war memorial and its location, and if they are mentioned in any historical texts. Needless to say, this index can be a vital tool for anyone looking to find ancestors in this particular arena of war.

These records have been meticulously corrected and updated, revealing precious information that you can use to find ancestors that wasn’t previously available. The casualty records have received much of this attention, while the medal rolls have also been updated revealing previously unknown information.

Find Ancestors in 1914-1919 Naval Casualties Records

This database of nearly 50,000 records can help you to find ancestors who may have unfortunately been killed in naval combat during the First World War. Details of naval officers and enlisted men who died in naval conflict include:

  • Full Names
  • Naval rating (Petty Officer, Able Seaman etc.)
  • Branch of Service
  • Name of Ship Served On
  • Medals Received
  • Cause and Date of Death
  • Place Buried (if not lost at sea)

An especially useful bit of info in these records that may help you to find ancestors is the name and address of the relative who was notified of their death. This can open up a whole line of research you may have not otherwise had access to, and help you to locate ancestry records of other relatives.

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Besides these new Military Records, other registers recently published on Find My Past that can lead you to find ancestors are new pension and parish registers. An ancestors search is an ongoing exercise, and so is the transcription and digital publishing of previously unavailable records. It’s good practice to bookmark indexes and check back with them regularly. Doing so will greatly assist you to find ancestors that may have been untraceable before.

Other Ways to Find Ancestors and Resources You Might Find Helpful:

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  2. Find Ancestors – Recently Available Military Records Help You Find Ancestors
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