Blank Ancestry Chart – Where to Find Facts for your Blank Ancestry Chart
The obvious places to find info for your blank ancestry chart might include internet databases, government offices, national archives and the like, but some of the most exciting and often enlightening family facts come from right within our own home, or those of our relatives. Precious parts of our family history are waiting to be uncovered in photo albums, scrapbooks, family bibles, and baby books. Family artifacts and heirlooms can also be valuable fodder for your blank ancestry chart. In fact, anything of importance to any of your relatives might reveal precious genealogical info that will help you to gain a better knowledge and understanding of your family, and as a bonus, help you to complete your blank ancestry chart.
How to Handle Things you Find for Your Blank Ancestry Chart
During the search for family facts for your blank ancestry chart, you will most likely come across things such as old photos and documents that may be very fragile. It is important that you handle these items with care; consider them genealogical treasures. They are in fact rare and valuable items, pieces of history – your history, so treat them with care and respect. When handling old books, be aware that pages may break, and especially the spines may crack due to the glue having dried out over the years. If the owner of a family artifact or heirloom is nervous about you handling it, allow them to take the lead, turning the pages, or holding the item as you observe. Dome of the things you may have to handle while looking for information to fill into your blank ancestry chart are:
- Old Photo Albums
- Family Scrapbooks
- Certificates
- Deeds and Wills
- Antiques
- Letters
Let's take a closer look at what value some of these items may offer towards your blank ancestry chart.
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Blank Ancestry Chart Resources - Photos
Viewing a relative's photo album can reveal a lot of information to enter into your blank ancestry chart. Looking at photos often stimulates people's memories, and you will be fascinated by the tales they may tell. One thing for sure though, make certain that you verify anything you hear before entering it into your blank ancestry chart. You can glean much information from old photos if you know what questions to ask. Inquire about the people in the picture, and once they're identified, ask about what life was like for them. In the early days of photography, having a picture taken was a great occasion, so people often dressed up. Consider what they were wearing, their hairstyles, is the mood of those in the photo happy or somber. Inquire when and where the photo was taken, as place names and dates are vital information you'll want to find for your blank ancestry chart.
Blank Ancestry Chart Resources – Old Artifacts
Old artifacts don't have to be antiques to be valuable; the fact that they were and are precious to you and your relatives is value enough. What makes these items so precious are the memories and the history attached to them, and consequently the information they can provide for your blank ancestry chart. The backs of old paintings may contain notes or inscriptions, and who knows what might be hidden between the backing and the canvas! Many pieces of old furniture and hand-crafted items may have an ancestor's name or helpful date inscribed or carved into them. There are literally hundreds of fascinating things you might find that could yield data for your blank ancestry chart; handmade dolls, samplers (pictures sewn into cloth), linen etc. Whatever you find, make sure you take notes of anything that might be added to your blank ancestry chart.
Blank Ancestry Chart Resources – Family Bible
Many old family bibles contain a partial family tree inside the cover which can be easily transferred to your blank ancestry chart. Most importantly, significant dates and events were at least written down within the family bible, and this was the standard practice in millions of families. Ask your relatives if they have inherited any family bibles, and look them over very carefully.
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FREE GENEALOGY FORMS DOWNLOADS: You don’t have to be a professional genealogist to use these free professional genealogy forms.
These are just a few places that you might find facts to fill in your blank ancestry chart. There are many other locations you may find precious genealogical data; old newspapers, wedding announcement, invitations to weddings or christenings, school records and report cards, old letters, and diaries can yield a wealth of info. Leave no family stone unturned when looking for information to fill in your blank ancestry chart; you never know where you might find the next genealogical gem!