Empathic Examples of Words of Comfort for Sympathy
When sending words of comfort for sympathy purposes, you will want to make sure your message is empathic and sincere. The words of comfort you are sending may be for the loss of a loved one, loss of employment, or an illness. Let’s start with some words of comfort for an illness.
- Other words of comfort for sympathy resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - different types of sympathy messages about death of specific people.
- Words of Condolences - examples of what to write in letters and cards
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Condolence Phrases - what to say or write for condolences.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family.
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Messages of Sympathy - messages of sympathy cards and letters.
- Sympathy Words: A Few Ideas for Comforting Others
- Sympathy Words: A Guide to Writing Words of Sympathy and Comfort
- Sympathy Words: Writing Words of Sympathy and Comfort

Words of Comfort for Sympathy Towards an Illness
Dear Sally,
I'm sorry you are going through this right now. It must be very scary. But I just want you to know that I love you and I will always be there for you. You are not alone. Call me anytime you need to talk.
Sorry you are going through this. The guys and I were talking that we'd like to keep in touch with you while you're laid up at home. We got together and bought you this camera for your computer. I'll be by on Thursday to help you set it up and to get a Skype account for you so we can all talk for free.
Take care dude,
Specific Examples for Cancer
Cancer is a way to common illness that many suffer from. The following words of comfort are for sympathy towards cancer.
Hi Elizabeth,
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. I can't wait until this cancer is behind you. You are in my prayers. I love you.
It was so nice to see you today. You looked beautiful in your red scarf. I know this journey is very challenging, but I am here to support you in whatever you need.
I'm sorry to hear you have to undergo another round of Chemo. That sucks. If it's any help, I'll drive you to the first appointment and then take care of you for the rest of the day. I'll take the dogs for a walk and do some yard work for you while I'm there.
For the Loss of a Job
Dear Bill,
So sorry to hear that you have been a victim of the heartless cuts at your company. I want you to know that we are thinking of you and your family at this time. Jane and I will pass by on Saturday to speak with you personally about some ideas we have to help.
Dear Patrice,
These economic times are really tough, and I want you to know we are thinking of you and are sorry that you have lost your job. We have an extra room here and would like you to seriously consider moving in with us until your circumstances change.
Rob and Judy
Words of Comfort for Sympathy Towards a Death
The following words of comfort are perfect for expressing your condolences to someone who has lost a loved one to death.
Dear _____,
Our sincere condolences to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time. I will always remember _____ fondly and have wonderful memories of many times spent with you all during the younger years! He leaves behind a wonderful family and I know you will all be a great source of comfort and support to one another.
Dear _____,
We were so sorry to hear about _____'s passing. We hope that the love of family and friends will comfort and strengthen you in the days ahead.
Dear _____,
My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your _____. It is never easy to lose a parent, no matter your age. I pray for your peace and comfort as you continue your life journey without your _____'s earthly presence.
Many regards,
Dear _____,
Words are never adequate in moments like these. We will say though, that our hearts go out to you, and we will always remember the joyous memories that we are privileged to have in knowing your _____.
The _____ Family
Dear _____,
Our condolences to you at this sad time. Your _____ was a wonderful man/woman. He/She always had a beautiful smile. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Management and Staff of _____
Things You Can Say in Person
The following words of comfort for sympathy can be said in person at the wake, funeral, or at the home of the bereaved.
There are no words to express my sorrow for your loss.
Don’t forget how much we love and care about you.
My heart is heavy as I think of your Mom/Dad and the blessing she/he was to me.
May the love of your family comfort you in the days ahead.
Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss; my prayers are with you and your children during this difficult time.
My sincere condolences. May you find comfort and the strength to cope.
Our condolences to you at this sad time.
I am so sorry for your loss.
My sincere condolences, may you find comfort and the strength to cope.
I pray that you find peace and comfort in your memories of _____.
May you find peace and comfort during this sad time.
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your _____.
May you find comfort in remembering your dear _____.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
May God bless you and your family in this time of sorrow.
Things to Keep on Mind When Writing or Saying Words of Comfort for Sympathy
Use the KISS principle
Keep It Sensitive and Simple when writing words of comfort, and say the following:
- Say that you're sorry for their loss
- Share a funny memory of the deceased
- Mention their unique qualities
- Say that you'll miss them also
Common Misspellings Sometimes Found in Words of Comfort for Sympathy
Makes sure you avoid these common spelling mistakes if substituting your own words for any in our samples.
- Condolense
- Condolesense
- Bereeved
- Berieved
- Greeving
- Greiving
- Simpothie