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Eulogy Poem - Dying by Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)

Visit the main listing of Eulogy Poems Samples for free access to all eulogy poems samples. Eulogy poems are written and recited to express sadness at the loss of someone dear. Below you'll find one example of a eulogy poem.

Dying by Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)

The sun kept setting, setting still;
No hue of afternoon
Upon the village I perceived, --
From house to house 't was noon.

The dusk kept dropping, dropping still;
No dew upon the grass,
But only on my forehead stopped,
And wandered in my face.

My feet kept drowsing, drowsing still,
My fingers were awake;
Yet why so little sound myself
Unto my seeming make?

How well I knew the light before!
I could not see it now.
'T is dying, I am doing; but
I'm not afraid to know.