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Eulogy Poem - Memorials by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Visit the main listing of Eulogy Poems Samples for free access to all eulogy poems samples. Eulogy poems are written and recited to express sadness at the loss of someone dear. Below you'll find one example of a eulogy poem.

Memorials by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Death sets a thing significant
The eye had hurried by,
Except a perished creature
Entreat us tenderly

To ponder little workmanships
In crayon or in wool,
With "This was last her fingers did,"
Industrious until

The thimble weighed too heavy,
The stitches stopped themselves,
And then 't was put among the dust
Upon the closet shelves.

A book I have, a friend gave,
Whose pencil, here and there,
Had notched the place that pleased him, --
At rest his fingers are.

Now, when I read, I read not,
For interrupting tears
Obliterate the etchings
Too costly for repairs.

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