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Message of Condolence in an Email for an Aunt Written to a Niece

This condolence email message for a beloved aunt written to a niece will remind the niece how much her aunt loved her, and how they were so much alike. In the condolence email message for an aunt written to a niece example, include any stories you have of the aunt or memories of the aunt and the niece together. The email is appropriate for young adults and adults.

Message of Condolence in an Email for an Aunt Written to a Niece

Email Subject Line: So sorry to hear about your aunt…

Dear Susie,

I was so sad to learn about your Aunt Lilly. I know you were especially close to her and I’m sure it’s a very difficult time for you right now. My heart goes out to you.

It seems like yesterday that your Aunt Lilly and I we were new friends at school. We grew up together and I know one of her greatest moments was becoming an aunt for the first time! She loved you so much and doted on you whenever she had the chance. I often thought you’d follow in her footsteps since you two were so much alike! I especially remember the two of you laughing and creating culinary delights in her kitchen every Sunday afternoon. I know she’d always been proud of you for becoming head chef and following your dreams.

I’d love to get together with you sometime. Let me know when it’d be good for you. Take care of yourself.

Sending love,


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