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Message of Sympathy for a friend written to a daughter

Message of sympathy for a friend written to a daughter to console her for the death of a close friend. It will remind her that sometimes people are only meant to be in our lives for a short time. This example letter of a message of sympathy for a friend written by the mother of the left behind friend will help her to see the special times she had experienced with her friend. This is a letter sent by an adult person can be expanded on according to the knowledge the mother has in relationship to her daughter and the deceased friend.

Message of Sympathy for a friend written to a daughter

My dearest daughter,

I’m very distraught with the news of your friend’s death. Life does not always seem fair. I know how much this friendship meant to you, how much the both of you cared for each other. I can only imagine how much sadness her death brings into your life. It’s okay to cry for a while. I’m sure you pick up the phone at random to call her, just to realize that she won’t answer the phone. I wish I could take the pain from you but I can’t, I can only mourn along with you. If the burden gets too heavy pick up the phone and call me. I don’t want you to feel alone.

Memories have a way to help us over loss. Please think of all the good times you had and dwell on the happy flashbacks. You two brought each other a lot of pleasures. You told me about the crazy hikes you took with her. Sometimes I was on pins and needles when you left with her on your adventures but I always figured that you two will take care of each other and you always did. It is a sad statement and I’m sorry you have to have this life experience, often people come into our lives just for a short while and then they are gone. They do leave a trail in our hearts and help us in more ways than we can imagine on our path into the future. Please take some comfort in this thought.

I do wish I could enfold you into my arms, just like I did when you were little. Now that we don’t live in close proximity, this is a little harder. Please remember regardless of where you are my love is with you always. I can’t wait for our next get-together. Maybe you can share with me some more adventures that you experienced with your friend. We can cry together and also laugh over the mishaps along the way.

I love you, my precious daughter.

Take care of yourself, especially during this time of sadness.

Your Mom

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