Messages of Sympathy Letters
Messages of sympathy can be long and heartfelt. Often these letters are treasured and can offer sincere support during a very difficult time. Use this message of sympathy example when you have more space to write a more personal note to the deceased's family.
- Other messages of sympathy resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - different types of sympathy messages.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Words of Condolences - cards and letter examples
- Condolence Phrases - what to say to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family of the deceased.
- Sample Letters of Sympathy Condolence - to offer support to the bereaved
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Words of Comfort for Sympathy - Words to say that comfort people.
- Eulogy Poem Samples - free poems for eulogies, sympathy cards and funeral readings
- Funeral Readings - selected poems, prose and verses for funerals and sympathy cards

Messages of Sympathy Letters about Dad
Dearest Friend,
Words alone cannot express our sympathy on the untimely death of your beloved husband, father, brother and friend. To say that his time with us was far too short is an understatement. The reality is that all who loved and knew him will sorely miss him.
No doubt the outpouring of sympathy you have received since his parting has been of some consolation. Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to you of how well-loved and liked he was.
I hope that you and your family will find peace and comfort in knowing that his suffering is over and that his just rewards await him.
May God bless you and your wonderful family.
Yours In Faith,
Elizabeth Walters
Dear Terry,
I was very sorry to hear of the untimely death of your father. It was a terrible shock for us all here at The National Sports Club. Your father was a dedicated member and one of the busiest organizers the club has ever had. He will be remembered as one of the greatest and fairest sportsmen that ever graced our club field, and as a fantastic coach and a champion of junior sports. The administrative work that he did, as well as his time spent on the field coaching, has helped many young people to steer their lives in the right direction. I’m sure you’re as proud of him as he was of you.
I remember the day you went off to college. Your dad was so proud. He must have spent a fortune in the club bar that day buying drinks for everyone. But he didn’t mind, he was happy for you and as proud as a parent can be.
I want you to know that all the members here pass along their condolences. The fact that your father’s passing comes so soon after your mother’s death is a terrible tragedy. We’re holding a fund raiser here at the club, and we will be forwarding on the proceeds to help you with the remainder of your college education. Please accept it as a small token of our appreciation for all your dad did for everyone else.
Please pass our condolences on to the remainder of your father’s family. I hope that you can find the time to pass by the club for a visit after things settle down; it would be good to see you again. If there is anything I can do for you personally my door is always open. Feel free to stop by or call anytime Terry, we are a family here at the club, and consider you as such.
On behalf of the Members and Staff of The National Sports Club,
Henry Kitson