Sympathy Words To Write About A Friend
Sympathy words offered to the family of a friend can go a long way to show the impact their loved one and your friend had on your life. It can be hard to write about a friend when you are grieving, but you must make the effort because it will not only help you cope with the loss, it will help the family understand how much their loved one will be missed. Below you'll find some examples of words of sympathy about the loss of a friend.
- Other Sympathy Words and Condolence Resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - categorized into specific people or relationships.
- Words of Condolences - examples of condolence letters and condolence cards.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Condolence Phrases - what to say to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Messages of Sympathy - messages of sympathy cards and letters.
- Words of Comfort for Sympathy - Words to say that comfort people.

Sympathy Words On The Passing Of A Friend
- Sympathy Cards About a Friend
- Sympathy Letters About a Friend
- Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend
- Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend
- Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend
- Sympathy Verses About a Friend
- Sympathy Sayings About a Friend
- Sympathy Poems About a Friend
- Sympathy Quotes About a Friend
- Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths
- Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend
- Phrases to Avoid
Sympathy Cards About a Friend
Words of sympathy in a card to someone grieving is a heartfelt gesture that is sure to be appreciated. Here are some words of sympathy on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 1
"You have my deepest sympathy on your loss. He/She was one of my dearest friends and will be sorely missed."
Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 2
"Please accept my sincere sympathy on your loss. I counted him/her among my closest friends. I will miss him/her greatly."
Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 3
"I have lost a dear friend. He/she will be in my thoughts always. I share your grief."
Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 4
"It was a joy to know him/her. We had become very good friends and we enjoyed each others company. You have my deepest sympathy."
Sympathy Letters About a Friend
A letter of sympathy is a great way to let the grieving know how much you care. What follows are some sample letters of sympathy on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 1
Dear Bill,
You must know how deeply saddened I was over your loss. Your wife and I were the dearest friends and I dare say she was like a sister to me. I will miss her very much.
I could always rely on her whenever I needed help, whether with a project or some mundane chore that she was always so willing to help me with. I came to trust her judgment and wisdom as well and her advice was always so well thought out and helpful.
She was a great gal and I know our lives will never be the same without her. I could never find a better and more caring friend.
She has left us with so many wonderful memories. I will cherish them forever.
In Deep Sorrow,
Betty Smith
Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 2
Dear Mr. Hanson:
I am so very sorry about your loss. Your son had become a good friend to me in recent months and his passing is a terrible tragedy for all of us who knew him. You and your family have my deepest sympathy.
I know that he came from a good family and that you loved him very much, as he did you. He always spoke in the most glowing terms of how much his family meant to him.
Your son was an inspiration to me. I admired all those wonderful qualities that made him the special person that he was. He had intelligence, wit, charm and a caring heart that made him a great friend.
I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know him better and to call him a friend. I will cherish his memory for years to come.
The poet Yeats once wrote "Count where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory is I had such friends."
In Sympathy,
Peter Blanchfield
Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 3
Dear Rita:
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of my good friend. He was a wonderful man and he was a great friend as well. I share in your grief at our sad loss.
I will never forget all that he did for me and my family when I was out of work with my illness. From mowing the lawn, to doing odd jobs around my house, to running errands, he was a godsend. I could never had made it through that difficult time without him.
I never heard an ill word spoken of him. He was kind, compassionate, and a true gentleman. Sadly there are few people like that in the world today.
I hope that in the weeks and months ahead that I will be able to return the favor of all that he did for me by being of some assistance to you and your family. I could never repay all that he did for me, but I would at least like to do what little I can and in doing so, honor his memory.
Please extend my sympathy to your entire family and let them know how much we share their pain at this sad time.
In Friendship & Sorrow,
John McCambley
Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend
Emails are a quick and efficient way to send a message of sympathy. Here are some examples of emails to send on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 1
Subject: With Deep Sympathy
I am so sorry about your loss. I have lost one of my dearest friends whom I was very fond of. I will miss him/her greatly and he/she will be in my thoughts and prayers always. Please know how much I share your grief. It is a sad time for all of us. -Mary Beth Clark
Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 2
Subject: With Sincere Sympathy
I just wanted you to know how deeply saddened I was on your loss. You know how very close he/she and I were. I was proud to call him/her my friend and I will miss him/her very much. We have lost one of the kindest and gentlest people I have ever had the privilege to know. I am feeling your pain and sorrow at this difficult time. You have my sincere sympathy. -Margaret Dunn
Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 3
Subject: Your Terrible Loss
I was so very sad and sorry to hear of my good friend's passing. He/She was a great person and a cherished friend. I will cherish my great memories of our time together. I will never forget all the wonderful times we spent together. You have my heartfelt sympathy. -Louis Jones
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend
Text messages are a fast and easy way to deliver your message of sympathy on the loss of a friend. Here are some sample texts that could be used at this sad time ...
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 1
I was so sorry to hear the sad news. I have lost a great and dear friend. My sympathy to you and your family. -Mable
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 2
I was shocked to hear the sad news. You know how very good friends we were. My heartfelt sympathy to you all. -John
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 3
I can't believe my friend is gone. He/She was a very special person. You have my sincere sympathy. -Joyce
Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend
Words of faith are very comforting at a time of loss. These words of faith can be incorporated into your message of sympathy on a friend's passing ...
Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 1
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas,
I just had to let you know how deeply saddened I am to hear of your daughter's passing. She was a very special person and we had become very close friends, as I'm sure you know.
I truly believe that she was a gift from God that came into my life at exactly the time I needed her most. She changed my life completely and I owe everything I am today to the positive influence she had on my life.
The Bible says that "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." I pray that God will bless all of us and give us the strength to carry on without her.
I will say a special prayer each day in her memory in thanks for having had the opportunity to know her and count her among my closest friends. I will pray also for you and your family that you have the strength to carry on.
God Bless You and thank you for sharing your daughter with me. I feel truly blessed.
In Faith & Sympathy,
Ruth Kline
Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 2
I was so very sorry to hear of your wife's passing. We have both suffered a terrible loss. She was such a sweet and caring person and I was very proud to call her my friend.
Our faith is certainly tested at times like this. I know it is difficult to understand a loss like this, but we need to be mindful of the true blessing that she was to us. That should give us the strength to continue on in faith knowing that she would want us to honor her memory in this way.
I pray that God's choicest blessings will be bestowed on you and your wonderful family. May God grant you the peace and strength to carry on in faith.
God Bless.
In Faith & Sorrow,
Mary Francis
Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 3
Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother. She was my dearest friend and a sweet person. We will all miss her dearly.
God gave me a wonderful friend in your mom. She was the one person whom I could trust with any confidence and her advice and guidance helped me in so many ways.
I will thank God every day for having given me this wonderful person to be my dearest and closest friend.
I pray that God will give you and I the strength to carry on without her.
In Friendship & Faith,
Martha Waite
Sympathy Verses About a Friend
Sympathy verses are a great way to add a nice touch to a message of sympathy. These sample verses can be used in expressing your thoughts on a friend who has passed ...
Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 1
We have many people in our lives
Family, neighbors and friends
But no one knows us quite as well
Or shares our deepest secrets
Like a life-long friend
Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 2
When we meet someone who shares our joys
Who knows when we are up or down
Who shows they care in so many ways
And never lets us down
That is who we can call our friend
Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 3
Friends are a gift from God
They bring us joy and happiness
And help us in times of need
That's why I can truly say
How glad I am I had this friend
Sympathy Sayings About a Friend
Here are some sayings that can be included in a message of sympathy to someone on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 1
"One of the saddest moments is when you hear of the loss of a friend."
Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 2
"Friendship does not end at death. It is eternal."
Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 3
"How fortunate it is to have a friend from youth until we die."
Sympathy Poems About a Friend
A poem can be included with your message of sympathy to enhance the delivery of your message. These poems may be useful when sending your sympathy to someone on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Poems About a Friend Example 1
Death, To The Dead for Evermore
By Robert Louis Stevenson
Death, to the dead for evermore
A King, a God, the last, the best of friends-
Whene'er this mortal journey ends
Death, like a host, comes smiling to the door;
Smiling, he greets us, on that tranquil shore
Where neither piping bird nor peeping dawn
Disturbs the eternal sleep,
But in the stillness far withdrawn
Our dreamless rest for evermore we keep.
For as from open windows forth we peep
Upon the night-time star beset
And with dews forever wet;
So from this garish life the spirit peers;
And lo! as a sleeping city death outspread,
Where breathe the sleepers evenly; and lo!
After the loud wars, triumphs, trumpets, tears
And clamour of man's passion, Death appears
And we must rise and go.
Soon are eyes tired with sunshine; soon the ears
Weary of utterance, seeing all is said;
Soon, racked by hopes and fears,
The all-pondering, all contriving head,
Weary with all things, wearier of the years;
And our sad spirits turn toward the dead,
And the tired child, the body longs for bed.
Sympathy Poems About a Friend Example 2
Feeling the Loss of Him
By Raymond A. Foss
Standing, walking, coming through the line
greeting you, for a moment, sharing
but a snapshot, a burst, of what I was feeling,
so small compared to the enormity
the reality of your loss,
Feeling so small, standing in the line,
before I approached you,
Thinking of what his loss
means to me, to so many,
as written in the paper
Murmured in the court, on the phone
without practioners
Reading so many stories,
so many telling words
The loves he touched, changed
for the better, truly.
Of his help to me
guidance and rebuttal,
chastised and cajoled
Feeling the loss of him
so acutely, still.
Sympathy Quotes About a Friend
Quotations add an extra touch to your sincere message of sympathy. Here are some quotes that you might want to use in a sympathy message on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 1
"Death ends a life, not a relationship." -Robert Benchley
Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 2
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends." -Richard Bach
Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 3
"Farewell. God knows when we shall meet again." -William Shakespeare
Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 4
"But fate ordains that dearest friends must part." -Edward Young
Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths
Adding a few words to a wreath to mark the passing of a friend is a nice way to express your heartfelt sympathy ...
Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 1
"Friend ′O Mine"
Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 2
"Friends Forever"
Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 3
"My Dear Friend"
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend
Adding a few words to a flower delivery card adds a personal touch to your gesture of sympathy. Here are some words that can be used for this purpose on the loss of a friend ...
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 1
"With deepest sympathy on the loss of my dear friend."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 2
"I share your grief in the loss of my dear friend."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 3
"I will miss him/her dearly."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 4
"With heartfelt sympathy on the loss of my friend."
Phrases To Avoid
Knowing the right thing to say at the time of passing of a friend is important, and so is knowing what not to say at this sorrowful time. Here are some phrases to avoid ...
Phrases To Avoid Example 1
"It was God's will."
Phrases To Avoid Example 2
"He/She would have only suffered if he/she lived any longer."
Phrases To Avoid Example 3
"I think he/she was on borrowed time."