Sympathy Words To Write About A Husband
Sympathy words offered to the wife of someone who has passed can help the grieving process. The bond between a husband and wife is unlike any other and the loss of a husband can be devastating for the wife. Make the effort to write a few words of condolences to show your love and support at this most difficult time. Below you'll find some examples of words of sympathy about the loss of a husband.
- Other Sympathy Words and Condolence Resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - categorized into specific people or relationships.
- Words of Condolences - examples of condolence letters and condolence cards.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Condolence Phrases - what to say to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Messages of Sympathy - messages of sympathy cards and letters.
- Words of Comfort for Sympathy - Words to say that comfort people.

Sympathy Words On The Passing Of A Husband
- Sympathy Cards About a Husband
- Sympathy Letters About a Husband
- Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Husband
- Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Husband
- Sympathy Words of Faith About a Husband
- Sympathy Verses About a Husband
- Sympathy Sayings About a Husband
- Sympathy Poems About a Husband
- Sympathy Quotes About a Husband
- Sympathy Words About a Husband for Wreaths
- Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Husband
- Phrases to Avoid
Sympathy Cards About Husband
Words of sympathy in a card to someone grieving is a heartfelt gesture that is sure to be appreciated. Here are some words of sympathy for someone who has lost a husband ...
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 1
"I am so very sorry for your loss. Your husband was a good man. We share your grief at this very sad and difficult time."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 2
"Please know that you have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband. I know that there is little I can say to console you but please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this tragic time."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 3
"I was so deeply saddened to hear of your husband's passing. He was a wonderful man. You have our deepest sympathy."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 4
"My heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your husband. I know you had a great marriage and loved him so much. I share your grief at this very difficult time."
Sympathy Letters About Husband
A letter of sympathy is a great way to let the grieving know how much you care. What follows are some sample letters of sympathy to send to someone who has suffered the loss of a husband ...
Sympathy Letters About Husband Example 1
Dear Barbara,
I was so deeply saddened to hear of your husband's passing. I am so very sorry. You have my very deepest sympathy.
I know so well the terrible grief you are feeling. I lost my husband just a year ago and the pain is still very hard to take at times.
Your husband was such a distinguished man and had such a pleasing personality. He was so much fun to be around and I will miss his great wit and charm.
If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to call on me. I will be praying for you and your wonderful family.
In Friendship & Sorrow,
Marilyn Brown
Sympathy Letters About Husband Example 2
Dear Connie,
We were both shocked and saddened to hear of your husband's death. I had no idea that he had been ailing for some time. You have our most heartfelt sympathy on this very tragic loss.
My husband and I have such fond memories of your husband from all those very wonderful times we spent together on vacations. It was a very special time for us and we will always remember him and the good times we shared.
The loss of a spouse is such a profound loss. We can only imagine your grief. If it is any consolation, we share your pain immensely.
I know that you will find the strength to get through this very sad and difficult time. Knowing that your friends are here for you will hopefully be of solace to you.
Please extend our sympathy to your wonderful family. You are all in our hearts and minds.
In Deepest Sympathy,
Jack & Janice Gordon
Sympathy Letters About Husband Example 3
Dear Caroline,
My deep and heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your dear husband. I was so shocked to hear of his passing and want you to know how very sorry I am.
I didn't know your husband very well, but from all you told me he was a loving husband and good father. I know that whenever his name was mentioned in our circle of friends, everyone had such nice things to say about him.
Your children are such shining examples of the great job that both of you did in raising them. They will always be a constant reminder of his love and influence on them.
Please let all of your family know how deeply saddened I am.
With Love & Sympathy,
Rita Curtin
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Husband
Emails are a quick and efficient way to send a message of sympathy. Here are some examples of emails to send to someone who has lost their husband ...
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Husband Sample 1
Subject: In Deepest Sympathy
I was very sorry to hear of your husband's passing. He was a wonderful man and I thought the world of him. You have my deepest sympathy. I hope that knowing that others share in your grief will bring you some consolation. -Betty S.
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Husband Sample 2
Subject: Your Sad Loss
How very sad to hear of your husband's death. The community has lost one of its very best. He will be long remembered for all the good works he did. My deepest sympathy is with you and your family at this very sad and difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. -Paul Whitestone
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Husband Sample 3
Subject: Your Husband's Passing
It was such a shock to hear of your husband's passing. I am still trying to get over the tragic news. Your husband was so well thought of by everyone who knew him and he will be sorely missed. You have my very sincere and heartfelt sympathy. Stay strong. -Beth Roberts
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Husband
Text messages are a fast and easy way to deliver your message of sympathy to someone who has lost a husband. Here are some sample texts that could be used at this sad time ...
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Husband Example 1
I was very sorry to hear the news. I am deeply saddened by your loss. -Michele
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Husband Example 2
So very sorry about your loss. I will stop by later to see what I can do to help. Keep strong. -Mary
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Husband Example 3
Just heard about your husband and wanted to let you know how deeply sorry I am. I hope you are holding up ok. See you soon. -Fred
Sympathy Words of Faith About Husband
Words of faith are very comforting at a time of loss. These words of faith can be incorporated into your message of sympathy to someone who has lost a husband ...
Sympathy Words of Faith About Husband Sample 1
Dear Cynthia,
I know that words are inadequate at a time like this but I wanted you to know how very sorry I am for your loss. The loss of a spouse is a tragic event and I know the pain and suffering you are experiencing.
It is times like this that our faith is put to the test. We know that we must accept his passing and give thanks for the wonderful life he lived. As sad as it will be, we will always have the memory of him to hold in our hearts.
The Bible reminds us that "Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted." I pray that this will be especially true for you as you mourn your loss.
I pray that God will give you the strength to see you through this sad and difficult time. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all.
In Faith & Sympathy,
Helen Ferris
Sympathy Words of Faith About Husband Sample 2
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wonderful family as you mourn the loss of your husband. I know that God will grace you with peace and comfort in the days ahead.
Your faith has always been so strong. I know how much you helped me when my husband passed away. I will always be grateful for your prayers and support and now I offer mine to you at this sad time.
May God Bless You and your family.
Faithfully Yours,
Edith Jones
Sympathy Words of Faith About Husband Sample 3
I hope that the faith that has guided you in so many difficult times will strengthen you as you mourn the loss of your husband. He was a good man and a servant of God in all that he did.
Our faith teaches us that those that mourn are blessed. I know that is true and that you will receive the special blessings that you so richly deserve.
Please know that I will be praying for you and the children that you will all find the peace and comfort in this tragic time. I know that God will answer our prayers.
May you be guided by your faith.
In Friendship & Faith,
Roger & Marilyn Edwards
Sympathy Verses About Husband
Sympathy verses are a great way to add a nice touch to a message of sympathy. These sample verses can be used in expressing your thoughts to someone on the loss of a husband ...
Sympathy Verses About Husband Example 1
We have many men who make up our lives
Father, brother, grandfather and son
But the one that we call husband is the one
who we attach our heart and live as one
With the solemn oath that until death do we part
God gives us many gifts in life, parents, children
even friends; But the special gift is in a blessed
union to the one true love of our lives
That is the one that we call husband
Lucky is the woman who finds that special man
The one true love from which all love springs
The joy of children that we call our own
I am so grateful for that one man I found
That I chose to be my husband
Sympathy Sayings About Husband
Here are some sayings that can be included in a message of sympathy to someone who has lost a husband ...
Sympathy Sayings About Husband Sample 1
"Love is a flower which turns into fruit at marriage." -Finnish Proverb
Sympathy Sayings About Husband Sample 2
"That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger." -George Eliot
Sympathy Sayings About Husband Sample 3
"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers." -Ruth Bell Graham
Sympathy Sayings About Husband Sample 4
"It is easy to find a man who is a lover, a man to father your children, a man to provide for you; it is another thing all together to find all of these in a husband."
Sympathy Poems About Husband
A poem can be included with your message of sympathy to enhance the delivery of your message. These poems may be useful when sending your sympathy to someone on the loss of their husband ...
Sympathy Poems About Husband Example 1
To My Dear And Loving Husband
By Anne Bradstreet
If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompetence.
Thy love is such I can no way repay.
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever.
Sympathy Poems About Husband Example 2
To A Husband
By Anne Kingsmill Finch
This is to the crown and blessing of my life,
The much loved husband of a happy wife;
To him whose constant passion found the art
To win a stubborn and ungrateful heart.
And to the world by tenderest proof discovers
They err, who say that husbands can't be lovers
With such return of passion, as is due,
Daphnis I love, Daphnis my thoughts pursue;
Daphnis, my hopes and joys are bounded all in you.
Even I, for Daphnis' and my promise' sake,
What I in woman censure, undertake.
But this from love, not vanity proceeds;
You know who writes, and I who 'tis that reads.
Judge not my passion by my want of skill;
Many love well, though they express it ill;
And I your censure could with pleasure bear,
Would you but soon return, and speak it here.
Sympathy Quotes About Husband
Quotations add an extra touch to your sincere message of sympathy. Here are some quotes that you might want to use in a sympathy message on the loss of a Husband ...
Sympathy Quotes About Husband Sample 1
"When a wife has a good husband it is easily seen in her face." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sympathy Quotes About Husband Sample 2
"One good husband is worth two good wives, for the scarcer things are, the more they are valued." -Ben Franklin
Sympathy Quotes About Husband Sample 3
"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave." -Martin Luther
Sympathy Quotes About Husband Sample 4
"Between a man and his wife nothing ought to rule but love." -William Penn
Sympathy Words About Husband for Wreaths
Adding a few words to a wreath to mark the passing of a husband is a nice way to express your heartfelt sympathy ...
Sympathy Words About Husband for Wreaths Example 1
"Son, Brother, Husband"
Sympathy Words About Husband for Wreaths Example 2
"Beloved Husband"
Sympathy Words About Husband for Wreaths Example 3
"Husband- In My Heart Forever"
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Husband
Adding a few words to a flower delivery card adds a personal touch to your gesture of sympathy. Here are some words that can be used for this purpose on the loss of a husband ...
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Husband Sample 1
"In loving memory of your dear husband. You have our deepest sympathy."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Husband Sample 2
"In heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your husband."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Husband Sample 3
"In deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband. He will be remembered always."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Husband Sample 4
"With sincere sympathy on the passing of your dear husband. We share your grief in this profound loss."
Phrases To Avoid
Knowing the right thing to say at the time of passing of an acquaintance is important, and so is knowing what not to say at this sorrowful time. Here are some phrases to avoid ...
Phrases To Avoid Example 1
"You're young, you can always remarry."
Phrases To Avoid Example 2
"I don't suppose that he left you in very good shape."
Phrases To Avoid Example 3
"It must have been a terrible burden for you to have to care for him."