Sympathy Words To Write About Military
Sympathy words about the men and women who serve their country are especially important to the bereaved. Often the parents of the soldier are still alive and left to grieve the death of their child as well as one of the country's bravest. Many times, the soldier has young children and a spouse who is left behind. Sometimes it's hard to understand why a soldier has to die while serving to protect his or her country. But at this time, more than at any other time, a condolence letter, or some sympathy words are most needed by the spouse, parents, friends and family of the deceased. Take inspiration from the sympathy words below.
- Other Sympathy Words and Condolence Resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - categorized into specific people or relationships.
- Words of Condolences - examples of condolence letters and condolence cards.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Condolence Phrases - what to say to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Messages of Sympathy - messages of sympathy cards and letters.
- Words of Comfort for Sympathy - Words to say that comfort people.

Sympathy Words On The Passing Of Military
- Sympathy Cards About Military
- Sympathy Letters About Military
- Sympathy Messages in Emails About Military
- Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military
- Sympathy Words of Faith About Military
- Sympathy Verses About Military
- Sympathy Sayings About Military
- Sympathy Poems About Military
- Sympathy Quotes About Military
- Sympathy Words About Military for Wreaths
- Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military
- Phrases to Avoid
Sympathy Cards About Military
Words of sympathy in a card to someone grieving is a heartfelt gesture that is sure to be appreciated. Here are some words of sympathy for someone who has lost someone in the military ...
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 1
"Your son was a fine young man and a credit to the uniform he wore. He is a true hero and his country will long remember his valor. May he rest in peace."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 2
"Service to one's country that ends so tragically is the highest form of patriotism. Your son was a true patriot. We will miss him dearly."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 3
"You have our deepest sympathy on your loss. Your son made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of his country. He is our hero."
Words of Sympathy Cards for a Husband Sample 4
"Your son did not die in vain. He has given the ultimate duty to his country. We will remember him forever as the brave soldier and fine young man that he was."
Sympathy Letters About Military
A letter of sympathy is a great way to let the grieving know how much you care. What follows are some sample letters of sympathy to send to someone who has suffered the loss of someone in the military ...
Sympathy Letters About Military Example 1
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Williamson,
Those of us who knew and worked with Lance Corporal Adam Williamson respected and admired his great love for his country and family. He was an inspiration to us all.
Your son was a caring and compassionate person as well. He was always doing something for someone else and never taking credit for it. He was also dependable and for that reason he was often called upon when a special assignment had to be done. His fellow troop members knew that he would see it through to completion.
Giving one's life for your country is the highest act of patriotism possible. Your son was a true patriot. His bravery and valor are evident. He died defending freedom for the country he loved so dearly. We wanted to let you know how very sorry we are. Please extend our sympathy to your entire family.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
In Deep Sorrow,
LCpl Martin Hanson & Members of Company D, National Guard Battalion
Sympathy Letters About Military Example 2
Mr. & Mrs. Fredericks,
I was so sorry to hear of your son's death in the service. It was a terrible shock to hear the news. You have my heartfelt sympathy.
I can't say enough good things about your son. He was a wonderful person and had such a great sense of adventure and a strong patriotism that was an inspiration to us all. I remember the day he left for the service. He was so proud and so were we of him.
I will always have fond memories of him growing up. It seemed like he spent more time at our house with our son than he did at home, and we didn't mind in the least. My husband and I knew what a good influence your son was on our boy, so we always encouraged him to spend time with your son. I can see what a positive influence it was on my son and I will be forever grateful for that.
Your family has suffered the greatest tragedy and our community and country have suffered a tremendous loss as well. I know that you are proud of your son and so are all of us. He will be sorely missed.
Stay strong and God Bless.
In Friendship & Grief,
Mabel Burney
Sympathy Letters About Military Example 3
I was so shocked and saddened to learn of your son's tragic death. You have my very deep and sincere sympathy on your loss.
I didn't know your son very well but by all accounts he was an outstanding young man. I know how very proud you were of him, as you rightfully should be. I have never heard a disparaging word spoken about him. I know that he was loved by many and highly respected as well.
I know this is a very difficult time for you. I will call your daughter to see if there is anything I can do to help.
Your son was a true hero and his country is grateful for the great sacrifice he made to protect our freedoms. He was a true patriot in every respect.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
In Sympathy,
Irwin Cohen
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Military
Emails are a quick and efficient way to send a message of sympathy. Here are some examples of emails to send to someone who has lost someone in the military ...
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Military Sample 1
Subject: In Deep Sympathy
I have just heard the news of your terrible loss. Your son died a hero. His country will be indebted to him for his extreme sacrifice. I hope that the tremendous outpouring of support will validate the high regard that everyone has for this fallen soldier. You have our deepest sympathy. -The Peters Family
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Military Sample 2
Subject: Your Tragic Loss
We are mourning the loss of your son in the line of duty. He was a highly regarded soldier and his love for his country was unwavering. I witnessed first hand his courage and bravery. He was a great man and a great soldier. We all extend our sincere sympathy to you and your family at this sad time. -Lance Corporal Ryan McEvoy
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Military Sample 3
Subject: Your Son's Death
It was such a shock to hear of your son's passing. I am still trying to get over the tragic news. Your son was such a kind and compassionate person who did so much for others. He has been a great friend to me and I will be ever thankful for having had the opportunity to know him. My deepest sympathy is with you and your family at this sad and difficult time. -Andria Howard
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military
Text messages are a fast and easy way to deliver your message of sympathy to someone who has lost someone in the military. Here are some sample texts that could be used at this sad time ...
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military Example 1
My deepest sympathy on the loss of your son. He was a true hero. The country salutes him for his great sacrifice. -Mary
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military Example 2
Heartfelt sympathy on the tragic loss of your son. He has given the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Our prayers are with you. -John O'Hair
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military Example 3
Your son was a true hero. You have my very deepest sympathy on this tragic loss. -Pete
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Military Example 2
Death in service to one's country is the greatest valor. You have my heartfelt sympathy on your loss. -Craig
Sympathy Words of Faith About Military
Words of faith are very comforting at a time of loss. These words of faith can be incorporated into your message of sympathy to someone who has lost someone in the military ...
Sympathy Words of Faith About Military Sample 1
Dear John & Nancy,
I am so sorry that you have suffered the ultimate loss of your son in service to his county. He was a credit to the uniform and such an outstanding and shining example of a real hero.
I remember the day your son decided to join the Army. He just knew it was something he had to do. In a passage from Isaiah in the Bible, the voice of the Lord is heard saying "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" Isaiah's answer to the call is "Here I am. Send me!"
God will bestow a very special blessing on you for the great sacrifice you have been asked to endure. Your son's death will not be in vain.
My prayers will be with you and your wonderful family at this sad and tragic time.
God Bless You All.
In Faith & Sympathy,
Ron Folger
Sympathy Words of Faith About Military Sample 1
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen,
We all want to offer our prayers, along with those of a grateful nation, for the great sacrifice your son made in service to his country.
The Bible says "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." I believe that God will shed his blessings on you at this time. These are times when our Faith is tested the most, and yet it is Faith that will see us through the sorrow and agony of this tragedy.
I know that your faith will keep you strong. Please know that the prayers of so many people are with you and your wonderful family. I hope that you can find some solace in knowing that your loss is shared so deeply.
I pray that God gives you the grace to carry on. You can be proud of your son and his ultimate service to his country.
In Deep Faith,
Betty Francis
Sympathy Words of Faith About Military Sample 2
Dear Nancy,
I have been praying non-stop since I heard of your son's passing in the service. What a terrible loss for you, all of us who knew and loved him.
The Bible says that those who mourn will receive God's special blessing. That is my prayer for you at this very sad moment. I know that God will comfort you and help you through these difficult times.
I will say a prayer every day in your son's memory for the safety and welfare of our servicemen and women.
Please let your faith guide you in the days ahead.
Faithfully yours,
Myrna & Louis Jecen
Sympathy Verses About Military
Sympathy verses are a great way to add a nice touch to a message of sympathy. These sample verses can be used in expressing your thoughts to someone on the loss of someone in the military ...
Sympathy Verses About Military Example 1
No one had to ask them, they just knew
They had to go. They leave their homes,
with all its joy, and go to lands afar
They sacrifice their noble life
So that we can all be free
Sympathy Verses About Military Example 2
There are many people we meet in life
Some do great deeds; But of all that can
proudly be called a hero, There is none greater than
the man or woman who gives their life for country
Sympathy Verses About Military Example 3
How fortunate for all of usThat while we rest and sleep
Some brave soldier risks it all
So we can sleep in peace
Sympathy Sayings About Military
Here are some sayings that can be included in a message of sympathy to someone who has lost someone in the military ...
Sympathy Sayings About Military Sample 1
"There is no nobler death than dying for one's country."
Sympathy Sayings About Military Sample 2
"While most of us are sleeping, the few are protecting our freedom."
Sympathy Sayings About Military Sample 3
"It takes a special man or woman to sacrifice their comfort and safety for their country."
Sympathy Sayings About Military Sample 4
"We would not be living the way we do now if it weren't for brave men and women who sacrifice their lives for our freedom and safety."
Sympathy Poems About Military
A poem can be included with your message of sympathy to enhance the delivery of your message. These poems may be useful when sending your sympathy to someone on the loss of someone in the military ...
Sympathy Poems About Military Example 1
A Nation's Strength
By Ralph Waldo Emerson
What makes a nation's pillars high
And it's foundations strong?
What makes it might to defy
The foes that round it throng?
It is not gold. It's Kingdoms grand
Go down in battle shock;
It's shafts are laid on sinking sand,
Not on abiding rock.
Is it the sword? Ask the red dust
Of empires passed away;
The blood has turned their stones to rust.
Their glory to decay.
And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown
Has seemed to nations sweet.
But God has struck its luster down
In ashes at his feet.
Not gold but only men take make
A people great and strong;
Men who for truth and honor's sake
Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly...
They build a nation's pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.
Sympathy Poems About Military Example 2
Eulogy for a Veteran
by Mary Elizabeth Frye
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousands words that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the mornings hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I didn't die.
Sympathy Quotes About Military
Quotations add an extra touch to your sincere message of sympathy. Here are some quotes that you might want to use in a sympathy message on the loss of a person in the military ...
Sympathy Quotes About Military Sample 1
"To me you can't put a dollar amount on our servicemen and women who have given their all for our freedom." -Awa Reeder
Sympathy Quotes About Military Sample 2
"Freedom is a right ultimately defended by the sacrifice of America's servicemen and women." -Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sympathy Quotes About Military Sample 3
"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." -Elmer Davis
Sympathy Words About Military for Wreaths
Adding a few words to a wreath to mark the passing of someone in the military is a nice way to express your heartfelt sympathy ...
Sympathy Words About Military for Wreaths Example 1
"Our Son(Daughter)- Our Hero"
Sympathy Words About Military for Wreaths Example 2
"Proud Veteran"
Sympathy Words About Military for Wreaths Example 3
"Son(Daughter), Hero, Friend"
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military
Adding a few words to a flower delivery card adds a personal touch to your gesture of sympathy. Here are some words that can be used for this purpose on the loss of someone in the military ...
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military Sample 1
"In loving memory of your dear son(daughter). He(She) made the ultimate sacrifice."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military Sample 2
"In heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your son(daughter). He(She) was a credit to the uniform."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military Sample 3
"In deepest sympathy on your loss. A grateful nation shares in your grief."
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Military Sample 4
"I am so sorry on your tragic loss. He(She) did not die in vain."
Phrases To Avoid
Knowing the right thing to say at the time of passing of someone in the military is important, and so is knowing what not to say at this sorrowful time. Here are some phrases to avoid ...
Phrases To Avoid Example 1
"He(She) wouldn't have had much of a life in the condition he would have been in."
Phrases To Avoid Example 2
"I bet you wish he(she) never signed up for military service."
Phrases To Avoid Example 3
"At least you have your other children."
Phrases To Avoid Example 4
"I think it was very foolish for him to join the service knowing what was going on in the world."