Sympathy Words To Write About A Sister
Sympathy words can offer the kind of support the family needs after the loss of a sister. It is always a good idea to make the note personal and to express your feelings honestly. Below you'll find some examples of words of sympathy about the loss of a Sister.
- Other Sympathy Words and Condolence Resources you might find helpful:
- Sympathy Words and Sayings - categorized into specific people or relationships.
- Words of Condolences - examples of condolence letters and condolence cards.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy Condolence - samples for many situations and people.
- Condolence Phrases - what to say to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Message Samples - messages of support to the family of the deceased.
- Condolence Examples - meaningful letters of condolence examples.
- Free Condolence Letters - condolence letters you can copy.
- Sample Letter of Sympathy - words to offer your sympathy.
- Messages of Sympathy - messages of sympathy cards and letters.
- Words of Comfort for Sympathy - Words to say that comfort people.

Sympathy Words On The Passing Of a Sister
- Sympathy Cards About Sister
- Sympathy Letters About Sister
- Sympathy Messages in Emails About Sister
- Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Sister
- Sympathy Words of Faith About Sister
- Sympathy Verses About Sister
- Sympathy Sayings About Sister
- Sympathy Poems About Sister
- Sympathy Quotes About Sister
- Sympathy Words About Sister for Wreaths
- Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Sister
- Phrases to Avoid
Sympathy Cards About Sister
One of the saddest events in any life is the loss of a sister. Here are some words to include in a sympathy card to someone who is mourning the death of a sister ...
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 1
"I was so sorry to hear about your loss. Your sister was a great gal and we will all miss her very much. You have our deepest sympathy."
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 2
"Your sister was one of the nicest people I have ever known. You have my sincere sympathy on her passing."
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 3
"I was very sorry to hear about your sister's death. I know you were very close to her. We all share in your grief."
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 4
"Your sister was such a sweet person and I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing. She will be missed very much. Please extend my sympathy to your entire family."
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 5
"I will remember your sister for all the kind things she did for others. You have my very deepest sympathy on your loss."
Sympathy Cards About A Sister Sample 6
"I am deeply sorry about your sister. I thought the world of her. She will be remembered dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time."
Sympathy Letters About Sister
Sending a heartfelt letter to someone who has suffered a loss is a wonderful way to express your sympathy. Here are some sample letters to write to someone who has lost a sister ...
Sympathy Letters About A Sister Example 1
I was so deeply saddened and shocked to hear of your sister's passing. I extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family at this sad and difficult time.
I know that you and your sister were very close and that her passing will be very hard for you. I'm sure that you are thankful for the many wonderful years you had together. Your sister was a very special lady. She always managed a beautiful smile even when I'm sure she was not feeling her best. She was a joy to be around and I too will miss her very much. I will always remember our long conversations in the back yard. She had so many interesting and delightful stories and I enjoyed the time we had together.
I know that this will be a hard time for you. I will be there for you to help you get through this and we can share our memories of her.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
In Sympathy,
Sympathy Letters About A Sister Example 2
I am very sorry about the loss of your sister. The news came as quite a shock to me. You have my sincere sympathy.
I never met your sister but from all that you told me she was a great gal and a wonderful sister. It was good that she was so close by and that you had the opportunity to visit her often.
I remember how hard it was when I lost my sister. I still think of her every day. The memories of her have grown stronger with each passing day and I trust the same will happen to you.
I hope this finds you holding up as well as can be expected. Stay strong.
In Friendship,
Marian Dye
Sympathy Letters About A Sister Example 3
The news of your sister's passing caught me by surprise. I had no idea that she was ill for such a long time. You have my very deepest sympathy.
I have so many memories of your sister from the "good old days." She was always so much fun to be around.
I don't get around that well these days, however, if you are ever down my way I wish you would stop in. We can catch up on each others lives and share our wonderful memories of your sister. I will be thinking of you with deep sadness over your loss.
In Love & Sympathy,
Rita Brown
Sympathy Messages in Emails About Sister
Emails are a quick and efficient way to send a sympathy messages. Here are some examples of emails to send to someone who has lost their sister ...
Sympathy Messages in Emails About A Sister Sample 1
Subject: Your Sad Loss
I was shocked to hear about your sister's death. I thought that she was doing so well. I am so very sorry. I will be at the services and will see if there is anything I can do to help. Please let your mom know how very sorry I am.
Kristine Porter
Sympathy Messages in Emails About A Sister Sample 2
Subject: Your Sister's Passing
I can't tell you how sorry I was to hear of your sister's passing. I had been meaning to get to the nursing home to visit her but never got the chance. I know what a sad time this is for you. I will call your mom to see if there is anything I can do. I will see you soon.
Marilyn Peete
Sympathy Messages in Emails About A Sister Sample 3
Subject: The Loss of Your Sister
My deepest sympathy on your loss. Your sister was such a sweet gal and I was very fond of her. She was one of the kindest people I have ever known. Please let her family and yours know how very sorry I am. I will see you soon.
With Sympathy,
Margaret Dosset
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About Sister
Now that almost everyone sends and receives text messages, it has become a fast and efficient way to deliver your sympathy messages. What follows are some sample texts to use when texting a sympathy message to someone who has lost a sister ...
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About A Sister Example 1
I just heard the news about your sister. I am so very sorry. I will stop by on my way home. -Tina
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About A Sister Example 2
I was so surprised and sad to hear about your sister's death. I feel so badly for all of you. I will miss her very much. -Tom Joslyn
Words of Sympathy Text Messages About A Sister Example 3
I am still in shock over the news about your sister. I am at a loss as to what to say. I will be at the funeral home tomorrow to pay my respect. God Bless You. -Marilyn T.
Sympathy Words of Faith About Sister
Nothing can be as comforting as well chosen words of faith delivered in a sympathy message. Often these are exactly the words the grieved are hoping to hear. What follows are some words of faith to be sent to someone who is mourning the loss of a sister ...
Sympathy Words of Faith About A Sister Sample 1
Mary & Family,
I truly hope this finds you well and holding up over the loss of your beloved sister. I know first hand what a difficult and painful loss that is.
I am reminded of the Bible passage that says "Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted." I hope that you find that comfort and that your faith will guide you during this difficult time.
We can know by our faith that your sister will be rewarded for the gracious and blessed life that she led. She was such an inspiration to all of us and she was a good and spiritual lady and she was highly thought of by all of us who knew her.
I will pray for God's choicest blessings on you and your wonderful family.
In Faith,
John Teal
Sympathy Words of Faith About A Sister Sample 2
I want to convey my deepest sympathy on the loss of your sister. She was such a lovely lady and will be fondly remembered.
Times like this truly test our faith. Just when things seem so disappointing is when we have to remember that God will not let us suffer any more than we can bear. By calling on our faith and putting our trust in God, we will find the peace and comfort that we are seeking to ease our pain.
Your sister lived her faith every day and we owe it to her to show our faith and keep her beautiful memory alive. Our prayers should be in thanks for having had her in our midst all these many years.
God Bless You and keep you in His embrace.
Faithfully Yours,
Rhonda Peterson
Sympathy Words of Faith About A Sister Sample 3
Jack & Terri,
I have been praying continually since I heard of your sister's passing. I know that she was a very special lady in God's eyes and she will now be justly rewarded for having lived a faith-filled life of service and devotion.
I don't think I have ever known a kinder or gentler person than your sister. She practiced her faith in so many ways and was a compassionate and loving person.
My prayers will continue as I ask God to bless you and your wonderful family and to give you the strength and courage you need in this very sad and difficult time.
In Friendship & Faith,
Joyce Meadows
Sympathy Verses About Sister
Sympathy verses are a wonderful way to add a personal touch to a sympathy messages. These sample verses can be used in expressing your thoughts to someone on the loss of a sister ...
Sympathy Verses About A Sister Example 1
If I had to think of a special friend
who was like no other; I'd think of
someone near and dear who filled
My days with joy; My sister
Sympathy Verses About A Sister Example 2
We meet a lot of people and make a
bunch of friends; each is very special
and we cherish them as well; But no one
is as special or will ever be, as my dear
sister was and always will be to me
Sympathy Verses About A Sister Example 3
A sister is a special gift, one that we hold
dear; she was always there when I was
down and she often shed a tear; Now it is
my sad time to do the same for her
Sympathy Sayings About Sister
Here are some sympathy sayings that can be included in a sympathy message to someone who has lost a sister ...
Sympathy Sayings About A Sister Sample 1
"Sisters are a special gift and the greatest friend we will ever have"
Sympathy Sayings About A Sister Sample 2
"A sister knows something is wrong with you before you even know for yourself"
Sympathy Sayings About A Sister Sample 3
"A sister is a soul mate who is a part of you forever"
Sympathy Sayings About A Sister Sample 4
"Sisters are a gift to be cherished, embraced and remembered for eternity"
Sympathy Sayings About A Sister Sample 5
"I don't think I could conceive of a greater friend than the one I called sister"
Sympathy Poems About Sister
Sometimes a sympathy poem, when included with your sympathy message, can enhance the delivery of your message. These poems may be useful when sending your sympathy to someone on the loss of their sister ...
Sympathy Poems About A Sister Example 1
To a Special Sister
Author Unknown
A sister us one of the nicest things
that can happen to anyone.
She is someone to laugh with and share with,
to work with and join in the fun.
She is someone who helps in the rough times
and knows when you need a warm smile.
She is someone who will quietly listen
when you just want to talk for awhile.
A sister is dear to you always,
for she is someone who is always a part
Of all the favorite memories
that you keep very close to your heart.
Sympathy Poems About A Sister Example 2
My Sister
By Lisa Lorden
My sister is my heart.
She opens doors to rooms
I never knew were there,
Breaks through walls
I don't recall building.
She lights my darkest corners
With the sparkle in her eyes.
My sister is my soul.
She inspires my wearied spirit
To fly on wings of angels
But while I hold her hand
My feet never leave the ground.
She stills my deepest fears
With the wisdom of her song.
My sister s my past.
She writes my history
In her eyes I recognize myself,
Memories only we can share.
She remembers, she forgives
She accepts me as I am
With tender understanding.
My sister is my future.
She lives within my dreams
She sees my undiscovered secrets,
Believes in me as I stumble
She walks in step beside me,
Her love lighting my way.
My sister is my strength.
She hears the whispered prayers
That I cannot speak
She helps me find my smile,
Freely giving hers away
She catches my tears
In her gentle hands.
My sister is like no one else.
She's my most treasured friend
Filling up the empty spaces
Healing broken places
She is my rock, my inspiration.
Though impossible to define,
In a word, she is ... my sister.
Sympathy Quotes About Sister
Sympathy Quotations can add a special touch to your heartfelt sympathy messages. Here are some sympathy quotes that you might want to use in a sympathy message on the loss of a sister ...
Sympathy Quotes About A Sister Example 1
"I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness." -Emily Dickinson
Sympathy Quotes About A Sister Example 2
"I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at." -Maya Angelou
Sympathy Quotes About A Sister Example 3
"Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow." -Benjamin Disraeli
Sympathy Quotes About A Sister Example 4
"Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood." -Louisa May Alcott
Sympathy Quotes About A Sister Example 5
"In thee my soul shall own combined the sister and the friend." -Catherine Killigrew
Sympathy Words About Sister for Wreaths
Adding some words to a wreath to mark the passing of a sister is a good way to express your heartfelt sympathy ...
Sympathy Words About A Sister for Wreaths Sample 1
"Wife, Mother, Sister"
Sympathy Words About A Sister for Wreaths Sample 2
"Eternal Rest Grant Our Sister"
Sympathy Words About A Sister for Wreaths Sample 3
"With Our Love Sister"
Sympathy Words About A Sister for Wreaths Sample 4
"Our Sister- In Our Hearts Always"
Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for Sister
Sending flowers when someone's sister has passed away is always thoughtful. Space for sympathy card messages is limited so make sure the flower delivery card has just the right words ...
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 1
"Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow"
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 2
"Our thoughts and prayers are with you"
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 3
"We are thinking of you during this difficult time."
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 4
"May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time."
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 5
"As you grieve, know that we are remembering you and honoring the memory of your sister"
Sympathy Words in Flower Delivery Card for Sister Example 6
"Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends for strength, and always remember how much you are cared about."
Phrases To Avoid
Knowing what to say at the time of passing of a sister is important, and so is knowing what not to say at this sad and difficult time. Here are some phrases to avoid ...
Phrases to Avoid Sample 1
"I think she wanted to die, she was always so down"
Phrases to Avoid Sample 2
"I really think you'll be happier now"
Phrases to Avoid Sample 3
"I don't know how she made it this long"
Phrases to Avoid Sample 4
"I think she decided to go so that you could get on with your life"