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Ancestry Trees

Ancestry trees hourglass charts and templates help you to display your family history and keep track of your genealogy research. These particular legacy family trees are in a beautiful fan shape that allows you to display all your ancestors on one family tree. Download and print one of these free legacy family trees.

More Free Genealogy Forms and Downloads:

Free Printable Four-Generation Ancestry Trees Hourglass Template

Four-Generation Hourglass Ancestry Tree

This ancestry tree is shaped like an hourglass on its side, which gives this chart large spaces for holding four generations of your genealogy on both sides of the family.

Sample Free Printable Landscape Template Five-Generation Ancestry Trees

Five-Generation Hourglass Ancestry Trees

This ancestry tree holds five generations of ancestors in a large hourglass shape. This ancestry tree template displays both sides of your family tree on one chart.

Sample Free Printable Six-Generation Ancestry Trees

Six-Generation Ancestry Trees Hourglass

This ancestry tree chart resembles an hourglass on its side and holds six generations of ancestors. Use this ancestry tree hourglass template to display both sides of your family tree.

Sample Free Printable Six-Generation Ancestry Trees with Crown Family Crest

Six-Generation Ancestry Trees Hourglass with Crown Family Crest

This ancestry tree chart resembles an hourglass on its side and holds six generations of ancestors. This ancestry tree has a crown family crest for decoration and display

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