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Five-Generation Pedigree Trees

Five-generation pedigree trees are perfect for your genealogy research. Take them with you to family functions so your relatives can help you fill out names, birth dates, and dates of death. These particular family trees are for 5 generations, which can include yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and your great-great grandparents. Print off and start filling out your five-generation family trees.

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Five-Generation Pedigree Tree Chart with Tree Picture

This beautiful pedigree tree is over a tree silhouette and is ready for you to fill in your ancestor's names, birth, marriage, death dates. It's great for displaying or sharing your family history.

Five-Generation Pedigree Tree Chart Template

This pedigree tree is ready for you to fill in your ancestor's names, birth and death dates. The chart is numbered for easy record keeping. This is a great family tree chart for genealogy researchers.

Five-Generation Pedigree Tree Landscape Template

This landscape pedigree tree has large squares for details of family history and holds five generations of one side of the family. This is also a great kid's pedigree tree because there is room for pictures.

Five-Generation Pedigree Tree Landscape Chart with Lion Crest

This landscape pedigree tree has a vintage lion crest and rounded large squares for your genealogy and ancestor's details. It holds five generations in a wide easy to read format.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Hourglass Template

Hourglass pedigree trees resemble an hourglass on its side. Five-generation pedigree trees are nice for charting both sides of the family on one template. This hourglass pedigree tree also has room for notes.

Five-Generation Partner Pedigree Trees Template

Partner pedigree trees are great for charting five generations of non-traditional families, blended families, unmarried, or same-sex couples. This chart has rounded squares offering more room for details.

Five-Generation Partner Pedigree Trees Chart

This Partner pedigree tree has large squares with more room for details. Chart five generations of non-traditional families, such as blended families, unmarried couples, or same-sex couples.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Bowtie Template Chart

This pedigree tree is shaped like a bowtie that can hold five generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's pedigree tree because of its large spaces and numbered squares.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Bowtie Chart with Crown Crest

This bowtie pedigree tree can hold five generations on both sides of the family. The crown crest is a nice detail for those who wish they had a family crest or for kids because the crown crest gives it visual interest.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Bowtie Chart with Lion and Crown Crest

This bowtie pedigree holds five generations on both sides of the family with a lion and crown crest detail for displaying your family tree or for kids who wish they were princesses or brave knights.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Fan Chart with Crest

This stylish fan pedigree tree holds five generations on both sides of the family with plenty of room for names and dates. The crown crest and detailed edges make this a nice choice for sharing your pedigree.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Fan Chart

This fan pedigree tree is beautifully detailed with lace edging and wide spaces to hold plenty of family history. Five generations of ancestors are easily recorded in this fan pedigree tree.

Five-Generation Pedigree Trees Kid's Fan Chart

Let your kid's imagination add the color and detail to this fan pedigree tree that holds five generations on both sides of the family with plenty of room for names, dates and notes.

Five-Generation Scrapbook Pedigree Tree in Muted Colors

This scrapbook pedigree tree for kids is a collage of fabric and wood patterns in earth tones. Print this family tree and display it in your home or in a scrapbook. Its large spaces make it easy to write in 5 generations your ancestor's names.

Five-Generation Scrapbook Pedigree Trees with Striped Background

This scrapbook family tree holds five generations of ancestors on a bright green tree with a stylish stripe background. Enlarge this family tree and display it on your wall or print it as is for full size scrapbook page.

Five-Generation Scrapbook Pedigree Tree with Fabric and Paper

This pedigree tree scrapbook idea has color-coded squares for five generations of your ancestors. Each generation has a different colored paper square that makes it easy to identify which generation each ancestor belonged to.

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