Free Ancestry Reports - Free Family Tree Software and Free Ancestry

Finding the resources to compile free ancestry reports is the goal of many a genealogist. But these resources are not so easy to find online. We have located several software packages however, that are free to download and can help you to build free ancestry reports. Consider this listing as our special gift to you. We are dedicated to helping genealogists maximise the potential of their genealogical search while assisting them in cutting the costs in what can be an expensive undertaking. We have downloaded and tested these programs ourselves, so you can be sure that they are safe to use, and effective in constructing free ancestry reports.

Compile Free Ancestry Reports with Gramps

Gramps is both a free software project and genealogical community that has produced an effective free software program for compiling free ancestry reports. It was created and developed by genealogists and can be downloaded for free. It’s only 6.8 MB in size, making it a compact tool that won’t take up much disk space or memory. Read their section on How to Install Gramps for complete details of system requirements, versions available etc.

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Compile Free Ancestry Reports with Excel2GED

Excel2GED is an Excel file that can convert Excel spreadsheet data into the genealogical standard GEDCOM format. It can also specify family relationships, making it an excellent free tool for putting together free ancestry reports. This is a unique GEDCOM converter in that it can draw your free ancestry reports, unlike others that can merely convert the files. Every field of possible data entry is covered with Excel2GED 1.0, and entries can be made for Full Names, Birth Dates and Places, Marriage Dates, and much more.

Compile Free Ancestry Reports Using Historical GenLink Collection

Historical GenLink Collection is a freeware program places over 30,000 valuable genealogical and historical links right on your desktop, making it a cinch to create those free ancestry reports. You’ll need to compress the files with an application such as WinRAR, which you can get for free. The whole process of downloading and file extraction takes less than a minute, and you get automatic access to valuable links such as name specific searches, websites that focus on ethnic origins, even the genealogy of Jesus is linked to through this program. I downloaded it myself, as it is a formidable tool for general research as well as compiling free ancestry reports.

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Compile Free Ancestry Reports Using Simple Family Tree

Simple Family Tree is a simple, easy to use program with which you can create free ancestry reports very quickly.

It is especially useful for beginners to help them to get their feet wet in creating free ancestry reports. Besides being able to display ancestors or the descendants of any chosen person, you can also enter personal note for each individual. It reads and writes in GEDCOM format, so your free ancestry reports will be compatible with other genealogy programs in case you want to share them with others.

It took less than a second to download, and about two seconds to install. Don’t be alarmed when you open the program and are welcomed by a blank page, click the READ THIS tab at the top left of the window, and you’ll be given instructions on how to begin constructing your free ancestry reports.

These are just a few of the resources that can help you with your free ancestry reports. Check out our other free family tree resources to learn even more about what you can use to create free ancestry reports.

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