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Bowtie Genealogy Trees

Bowtie genealogy trees are perfect for recording your genealogy research. Take them with you to family functions so your relatives can help you fill out names, birth dates, and dates of death. These particular genealogy trees are shaped in a bowtie to hold both sides of your ancestry on one sheet of paper. Print off and start filling out your bowtie genealogy trees.

More Free Genealogy Forms and Downloads:

Three-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree

This bowtie genealogy tree template is shaped like a bowtie that can hold three generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's genealogy tree or a starter genealogy tree chart for genealogy researchers.

Three-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree with Shield Family Crest

This bowtie genealogy tree template holds three generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's genealogy tree template because the shield family crest can be decorated or colored.

Five-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree

This genealogy tree is shaped like a bowtie that can hold five generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's genealogy tree because of its large spaces and numbered squares.

Five-Generation Genealogy Trees Bowtie Chart with Crown Crest

This bowtie genealogy tree can hold five generations on both sides of the family. The crown crest is a nice detail for those who wish they had a family crest or for kids because the crown crest gives it visual interest.

Five-Generation Genealogy Trees Bowtie Chart with Lion and Crown Crest

This bowtie genealogy tree holds five generations on both sides of the family with a lion and crown crest detail for displaying your family tree or for kids who wish they were princesses or brave knights.

Six-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree

This bowtie genealogy tree holds 6 generations on both sides of the family. This is a great kid's blank tree chart because it displays both sides of the family history on one chart.

Seven-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree

This bowtie blank genealogy tree is great for kids and genealogy researchers because it displays holds 7 generations of both sides of the family history.

Eight-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree

This bowtie genealogy tree expands out to hold 8-generations of family on both sides. This is a very useful bowtie family chart without fancy boxes that take up valuable charting space.

Eight-Generation Bowtie Genealogy Tree with Family Crest

This bowtie genealogy tree is great because it holds 8 generations of both sides of the family history. Kids like it because it has a family crest with a crown on it, perfect for princesses and knights.

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