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Words of Condolences Letter for Mother Sample Six

Words of condolences letters for the passing of a mother are so important to send. There are few other losses as great as the death of a parent. Find a good sample condolence letter and then make it your own by filling in specific details about the specific person.

Words of Condolences Letter for Mother Sample Six

Dear Margaret,

I am so sorry to hear about your mother's passing. I cannot begin to understand the pain you and your family must be feeling.

Your mother was a woman whose greatness can be seen in her children. You and your brother and sisters are so secure and successful, which is a true testament to the good person she was.

I remember you talking about her garden and how much she loved roses. I send you this bouquet of roses to honor your mother's life and as a reminder of your mother's lovely garden. I hope these flowers bring you peace and comfort in these difficult times.

With deepest sympathy,


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