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Words of Condolences Letter for Mother Sample Two

Words of condolences letters for the passing of a mother are so important to send. There are few other losses as great as the death of a parent. Find a good sample condolence letter and then make it your own by filling in specific details about the specific person.

Words of Condolences Letter for Mother Sample Two

Dear Thomas,

I am so very sorry to hear of your mother's death. I will miss her deeply and I just wanted to tell you how she touched my life in the short time I knew her.

I met Tanya when we were in book club together last summer. She was hilarious, she rarely finished the books we read, but she had a strong opinion about all of them and she never missed a meeting. I'm not sure if she was there more for the company and the books or for the wine and the food! We would all gather around the food table the host had provided and eat and talk about the books. That was the best book club I've ever been in and it was because of your mother. Sometimes I would laugh so hard my cheeks were sore.

This is how I remember your mother, with good food, a good story and plenty of laughs. She was inspiring to me, up until that book club, I never thought I could talk about a book or anything I had not completely researched. But she proved that connections between people are so much more important than always knowing all the facts. This was an important lesson for me to learn.

In memory of your mother and the good times we had around the food tables, please enjoy this wine and cheese basket.

With sincere sympathy,


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